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she always cherished feelings of grateful esteem and sincere
affection.-- In the autumn of 1854 she removed to the Ladies School
at Neuwied,? where she remained for two years.- Here she enjoyed
the faithful and efficient instructions of Br Meuzel preparatory
to her confirmation at Easter 1861, on which occasion she surrendered
herself anew to the Lord her Saviour who had been the God of her
childhood, impolring him to be with her throughout her youth
and even for ever. I from the School at Neuwied she proceeded
to Moutmirail? in autumn 1861, where after another years unstruc-
tions she completed her school days and at once was engaged
upon her return to England to enter into the Ladies School at
Gomersal. --She had previously at Moutmerail been received into
the choir of Single Sisters--, & now forthwith began to trade with
the talents her Saviour had entrusted to her keeping.-- For
above three years she faithfully discharged the important duties
of a teacher of the young. How her services were appreciated may
be best learnt from the following letters received by me from
Br K?, and Sr h?--. (---) at Easter this year she came home for a
few days to her another.-- A severe told prevented her from re-
turning immediately after the Easter vacation to her sphere of
duty.-- She hoped a few days rest and careful nursing at home
might restore her health.-- But when this hope was blighted her
desire was to return upon her duties at any rate at the middle
of the quarter, and when this also was denied her, she at first
greatly felt her inability to return to her past where she was
so happy and so beloved.-- But as she had been a willing and
useful teacher, she was once again was willing to be an attentive
and obedient scholar. -- The Lord wished her to learn how to give
up all for Him and die happily.-- It was truly edifying to
witness the perfect resignation with which our dear Sister
acquiesced in the will of the Lord and how calmly and content
edly she submitted her wishes and her will to his over ruling
gracious providence.-- It was not the natural placidity of her
temper nor apathy which enabled her thus to be resigned and
quiet. For she herself keenly felt the pang of seperation from
her beloved mother and other dear relations and friends, and her
affectionate disposition made her anticipate the grief her mother
would have to endure by her early removal. -- But she knew her
Saviour, who had given her a heart ot know him, that He is the
Lord and she bellieved that He sis all thigns well she trusted
Him and therefore could confidently commit herself and her
dear friends into His most faithful hands. -- It soon became mani-
fest that rapid consumption would speedily terminate her career
throught life, and as the complaint gained ground from week to 
week, she ripened more and more for heaven and eternal glory.
She bore her sufferings with exemplary patience; her deafness
occasionally caused her sorrow, casting a momentary gloom over

her bright hopes of eternal joys.-- Ingeneral her mind was kept
in perfect peace stayed upon the Lord. -- Whenever asked respecting
the ground of her hope, or her prospects for eternity, she expressed sim-
ple childlike confidence in her beloved Saviour. He was near to her
indeed even "Christ in her, the hope of glory."- There was no trium-
phant rejoicing in her last illness and death, but there was the work
of righteousness, peace, and there was the effect of righteousness, even
quiteness and full of glory. Her sum set in the serene horizon of God's love
after a calm bright day of genial summer. -- We do not here dwell
at length upon those utterances of her last days and hours, which 
are the sacred property of her sorrowing another and well no doubt 
cheer her often in the remembrance of the past when the loss of
her beloved child would otherwise overwhelm her with grief.--
But we magnify the grace of God that enabled our late sister even
to disue to departand be with Chirst which is far better than the
possession and enjoyment of all temporal treasures here below.--
Our Saviour was very gracious unto her, sharing her the conflict of
a painful separation of soul and body.-- She literally fell asleep in
Jesus, and slept herself away into eternity.-- Her ransomed spirit
fled from the frail tabernacle, early on MOnday morning last, to win
the spirits of rest men made perfect. Her end was peace- Her age
was 21 years 8 months, and 8 days.

Christs sufferings have delivered her
from misery, woe, and death
His word To finished proud to be,
The triumph of her faith.--

Happy soul! thy days are ended
all thy mourning days below
Show by angel guards attended
Dedit? to Jesus presence go.

Trusting on thy Saviours merits
Thou hast seen thy Lord above
Wanting to receive thy spirit
Reaching out a crown of love.

For the joy He set before thee
Thou didst bear a moments pain
Die to live a life of glory;
Suffer, with thy Lord to reign 

Fulneck June 21st 1866