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in our late Sister, a sincere &
valued friend & conscientious
Christian. <gap></gap>
Upright in principle & faithful
in business, she did all she had
to do with a single eye to the
interest of the concern she was
entrusted with, & never for an
hour would sacrifice duty to
pleasure. <gap> </gap>
To be unexpectedly called upon
to part with a friend so faithful
& entering in her exertions for
the good of the whole household
does indeed fill all our hearts
with sorrow, we deeply [illegible - crossed out] mourn
her loss -- but we cannot but
say that our loss is her eternal
gain. She knew in whom she
believed & when the summons
came for her to lay by her
earthly duties, she was enabled
to say: "Thy will be done!"

[page break]

And we doubt not would
hear the welcome --"Well done
good & faithful servant --
enter thou into the joy of thy
Lord <gap></gap>
<gap></gap> As a fellow labourer and
member of our Elders' Conference
our dear Sr. <persname>Fletcher </persname>was much
esteemed by us all for the candour
of her mind, and her strictly conscien-
tious discharge of her official duties. 
She would ever openly & clearly
state her views on any subject she
was interested in, and in case of a
difference of opinion firmly and
faithfully maintain her cause,
without, however, in the least being
self opinionated or obstinate. Her
warm interest in the Lord's work
and the spread of his kingdom, both
at home and abroad, she quietly,
yet continuously manifested, not
only unto the Searcher of hearts, who
delights to hear the prayers of his people,