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In the great Awakening which happened here round
about in the <date>Year 1743</date>. our Brethern and his Wife became
concerned to about their <sic><trait>happiness</trait></sic>. <date>Ao 44</date> was he
first aquainted with the Brethren and as the same year
our <persname>Brethern Okerthaufsen</persname> was put in prison for our Saviors.
Sake, he and some Brethren more had the Happinefs
to partake on his reproach of scorn for the Gospel of 
Christ. The preachings were kept in his House; but
as his Son came of Age he became the Cause, that
it must be left. Our Brother was of very few words,
not <trait>talketive</trait> at all; however he loved the Brethern
with whom he was assembled so well and dearly, that he
very seldom stayed at home, notwithstanding
he had above three Miles to walk; and an his last
sickness he expressed himself thee about? as little 
he sometimes understood, what the said or sung, for
all that he was a praying to our Savior that he would
let him partake on their blessing and this was richly
bestowed on him. He once met <persname>Brethern Bohler</persname> on the Road
to <placename>Brafsington</placename>, and brough him the first time about 
this Place, whereover, he rejoiced still in this last
Days. He visited the <orgname>Congregation in Fullnek</orgname> several
times and felt a call in his Heart to seek his abode
in this Congregation. But this was not sooner
performed while he was persuaded by his son, to 
give over to him his whole estate, however as soon 
as he consented, the son pulled down his dwellinghome
that he was forced as it were to seek his shelter at <placename>Dukenfield</placename>.