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The Single Sister Mary Gladhill who happily
departed this life Dec 1st 1809, has
left the following few lines concerning
herself. -- July 26th 1727.
"I was born at Belly Bridge near Wyke
and baptized in the Church of England
from my earliest years I remember my
Mother taking me to hear Mr Ingham
preach, and I felt at that time, some 
thing of our Saviours nearness, which
I however did not fully understand 
besides my natural inclination being
after the world, -- In my 16th
year our whole family was afflicted
with a bad fever, of which we all 
got better accept my Mother who
dyed on it, we was now left in 
deplorable circumstances, I being the
oldest of the Children; the towns
people would give me no assistance, 
I had learned nothing to earn a lifely,
hood, and was now obliged to go from 
door to door to beg my Bread, I 
met with many Kind Benefactors