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away by worldly prosperity, and being afraid of
losing by any means that happiness, which
was then and has been ever since of the last im-
portance to me, I gave my shopkeeping in the
midst of prosperity, and these words of our savior
followed me continually, "What shall it profit
a man, tho' he gain the whole world and lose
his own soul." And I think it would be well
for many, even members of the Brethren church, 
if this was duly considered. I can say with
truth, that from that day to this, our Savior,
and fellowship with his people have been more
important to me than anything else in
the world.
In August 1756. I moved to Duckenfield, as
a member of that congregation. Here I found it very
difficult to come through. I had not only to go
twenty miles for the work, by which I earned a
livelihood, but the necessities of life, parti-
cularly bread ran to double the price, they had
been sold for a fifth before. Yet I never re-
pented of having moved hither, but was con-
tent and happy with a small portion of
very mean, fare; and my son, who was now
nine years old, was the same. Our savior
abundantly blessed us internally, and we
spent our time, while at work, with singing
of Him and his sufferings, being enabled to
take our refuge to him in all circumstances.