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if we loved our Saviour which made 
a days impression on my heart.
I my 15th year I came to live in 
the Srs house here, I entered with
thankfulness, as I felt myself very
unworthy of such a priviledge,
I found myself soon at home, lived
for sometime very happy, and with
the meetings I was greatly delighted. 
In externals it was difficult, nothing
but spinning, however as long as I 
was satisfied, I did well; but when 
I deviated from the right path I 
grew unhappy and discontended, this
brought me into trouble and dark-
ness, reasoning and dispare, I wish'd
to injoy priviledges in the Congn
but had to wait 7 years before I 
was recd Still my Saviour had
thoughts of peace over me, and 
gave me grace to reflect on the 
past time, I felt and found that 
I had not been attentive to the 

voice of his holy Spirit, nor put my
trust and confidence in him, this 
brought me into deep concern, I 
wept and prayed many nights and days
that our Saviour would pardon my
sins and transgressions, and receive
me anew as his property, and I thank
him this day, for his pardon, mercy
and comfort which he then imparted
to me. Nov. 13th 1768 I was recd
into the Congn and Sept 8th 1772
I had the favour to partake the first
time of the H Comn which proved
days of solid belssings to me, and 
I felt again happy and comfort-
able, injoyed our Saviours nearness
and the priviliges of the Congn
proved a great refreshment and
incouragement to my poor and needy
soul. But alas! I soon again
came into a dark and reasoning 
way, on which account I had many
heavy hours, my uneasiness of mind