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Brief - Memoir of our late <trait>happily</trait>
departed Sister Esther Latrobe drawn
up by her <persname>Husband</persname> and <persname>Brother</persname> 

Our late dear <persname>Relative </persname>was born at <placename>Bristol</placename>
 <date>June the 7th 1802</date>, and being the only daughter
among a family of six children, was peculiar
by precious to her <persname>parents</persname> and <persname>brothers</persname>, and <trait>tenderly</trait>
beloved by them. 

This tender affection and endearment
was always returned by her with a warmth
of feeling, which evinced to her family, her
deep attachment towards them, and the gra-
titude heart to them for their love. 

She was very early subject of sickness
and pain. In her childhood by occasion of the
measles, which struck into her chest, she was
brought to the brink of the grave and her fame
by and medical attendants at that time had
lost all hope of her life. It pleased the
Lord, however to manifest in her case, His
Power as the <persname>Preserver</persname> of man, and her life