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I spoke seriously to my mistriss with many tears about ? & beg'd
her to keep a watchful eye over me, as I was quite unacqu?ted
with the manner of the place, She spoke tenderly to me ? pro-
mis'd to care for me, as much as lay in her power; so I become?
more chearful in my place, & went on in my usual way, reading
and praying to the Lord to keep & preserve me and I believe
he heard my prayers. When my year was out my Mother
wrote me a tender letter, desiring me to come home to her again,
I cou'd have had several good places, but cou'd not bear to stay
against her mind. I went home but still wanted a fine place,
in order to prefer myself, & it just happen'd that a gentleman
come from Wales to Hallifax, who was to take possession of an
Estate. called Kirkles? & they wanting a servant, my Mother
got me the place: accordingly I went to live with them & my
Master & mistress lov'd me very much. about this time I began
to be thoughtful about going to the sacrament & toald my mother
therof she desired me to advise with a friend of hers. who was
a religious person; accordingly I went & told him my whole
heart with many tears. He spoke with me about the threatning
of God to those that do not fear him, & his promises to them
that love Him. He told me what a good thing it was to have
a promise to rely upon on ones death bed. but I not finding 
any promise in my heart, & not being  willing to be without,
I wrote myself some in order to have them by me, when I came
to my death bed; such as this! Come unto me all ye that are
weary &c. & many others out of the psalms and other good books,
for I was seldom without me in my pocket. I remember
once going to clean my Mistress's room & there opening my lit-
tle book, I found this passage which said, that God did not re
quire so much of a poor servant as of a rich master, which 
rejoyc'd me very much to think that God was so good to poor
Servants but then a fear came in my mind because we were
only two servants & cou'd therefore only go to church in the after
=noon I was affraid my Mrs wou'd take it amiss if I shou'd ask
her to let me go in the morning I told my mother of it she
beg'd me not to be affraid, but speak with my Mrs, which I did 
and she was much pleas'd to find, that I was so well inclin'd &
fetch'd me her own preparation book to read, which I perus'd