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Revision as of 21:15, 5 February 2018

was gracious, and that I had felt his love
when a child, but this seemed only to<emotion> in=
=crease my condemnation</emotion>. However the hap=
=py moment of my deliverance now drew near:
during the meeting for reception, the grace of
God was so powerfully operative in my soul,
that <emotion>my proud spirit was humbled: my heart
seemed to melt within me</emotion>: I thought, who 
knows, but there may be mercy even for me!
And the gracious answer was given. - Yea, for
thee! I have brought thee with my blood: thou
art mine, saith the Lord! and thou also be=
=longest, in an <sic>espicial</sic>  <corr>especial</corr> manner to this fold.
O what <emotion>sensations of gratitude and wonder
then pervaded me</emotion>: it was truly like one who
had received life from the dead. My <emotion>doubts
and fears vanished</emotion> and the load which had
so sorely oppressed me was removed, I now
thought, if I had a thousand hearts they
should be devoted to Him, who had merited
such happiness for the vilest of sinners.
<gap></gap>Ah! "Little then my self I knew ." - Little
was I aware of the corruption still dwelling with=
=in me, which would yet occasion so much
smart. I now felt an <emotion>ardent desire</emotion> to be ac=
=knowledged a member of the <orgname>Brethrens Church</orgname>,
<sic>beleiving</sic>  <corr>believing</corr> I might thereby be more established
in grace, and <emotion>my happiness increased</emotion>. In
a short time therefore I made application for
this privilege, not doubting but I should soon