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in James Naylor

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Beginning? here were drawing to the end, & ? say with ttiness? the sooner the better
& as to had not much Sickness ? He thought sometimes He might continue a long time, but
a Fortnight? ages he was oblig'd to take to his Bed, altho he was not inclin'd to
speak much, yet no of the experience he had of our Savr, yet it was without another 
was his object & his heart liv'd in a Connection with him, his Son ? I had
occasion to he asham'd of myself when I found how near a Connexion he had with our
Savr & says farther I shall had many happy years with  him in his Sickness wch
I shall never forget especially in 2 or 3 of his last Days when he wish'd that our
Savr wod come soon & fetch him home. His Daughter & grand Daughter came to see
him, & at taking leave of him, his son being present, ? the look'd at them & Laid
I have no other Council to give you hit that ye Once? our Savr & one another,
wch his son says melted my heart to hear that form Him I thought it was something
lebe? ^what the Apostle John said ? little childn Love one another, He took tender leave
of one or another of his Family who came to see him, & cheerfully was occupied on ties
Thoughts of being soon at home with the Lord waiting for the happy moment,
on Sunday the 29th he spoke particularly with his Son of his expectation of going soon
& calld to mind that ^& said when his dear Wife thy mother went home she gave me a Verse to Sing for
her, but I cannot sing none, I have heard often of Brns joining with the singing
when they was bless'd for going home with a Strong voice but I cannot.
In the Evening Br Lyons Visited him again, & spoke with him once, ^more of that happy
change wch now drew near, then bless'd him for his departure during the sing. So go 
then go dear heart & hide & some other Verses with a very happy sensation of our
Savr near presence^ he often ask'd him if he had understood what was said & sung, He said I feel if, He afterw said to his son I shall soon be in a very happy
place, but continued in extream pains all Night till abt 5 oClock Monday morning
when his pains seem'd to abate a little, & he cod beathe casion, he lay compos'd with
an extraordinary clearness in his Countenance & Eyes then Slept quite calmly for
an hour, then opening his Eyes he lookd very earnestly at his Son, but clos'd them

soon again in happy time sleep beathing his last without the Least?
his Son says & was a happy hour to one during his days? & departure ?
I never shall forget Our Savan so ^very near my heart that I cannot express
& am thoughtfull to all the Brn & Srs for all there Love & faithfulness towards
him. Our venerable Br has those soul the time of his abode Below on?
very blessed manner wch has lasted 77 years & 6 months
The w wd was Thy Testimonies are were have Sclaim'd? as ??
for ever, & why? they are the very Joy of my heart?
Thy gospel & it;s Saving Power, is like pure Milk & hony.
