
Transcribe page 19

in Philip Henry Molther

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dingly well thereat. In a town called Speyer
where the whole frensh armee was quartered,
we had a narrow escape of being killed,
being nearly trodden under foot, by the
horsemen who came from both sides upon us
when we were just under the gate. In
the critical moment, when nothing seemed
to offer for our relief, I espied a little
space between the horses, and I snatching my 
wife into my arms I slipped through,
wondering at and thanking our Lord for his
kind protection. Nov 13th I settled the in-
habitants of Montmirail-house into a congn
but after some time it was broke up again,
as we met with opposition in Switzerland
and were even forbid to reside any more
at Geneva. We now returned again in July 
1745 to Marienborn. In about the time of
a year we went again into Switzerland, and
where besides my former office I had also to care for the housekeeping, besides

this and the journies into the country I was
employed in translating the Congn accounts
into the frensh language, as also with revi-
sing the hymns I had translated sometime
ago and adding more hymns to them, which 
labour proved a refreshment to my heart.
As circumstances required again our remo-
val from Montmirail, we met in the hall
for the last time to thank our Saviour for
all the grace he had given us to enjoy in
this place. I arrived at Herrnhaag (in
company of the frensh brethren and Sisters
from Montmirail) in the last days of septr
of the year 1748. My stay here was not
agreeable to me, as I did not like the then
course of that congn. I therefore kept retired
and in stillness. These circumstances caused
me to search my own heart thoroughly, the
conclusion of which was, that our Lord was plea
sed to give me a renewed impression of my 

