
Transcribe page 7

in Philip Henry Molther

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see or attend to our Saviour's views with me.
Previous to my going to doctor Hamburgers
lectures upon natural philosophy, I
meditated about myself and prayed to
our Saviour, who was pleased to speak
to my heart and to lead me into a serious
consideration concerning my past and
future course. The following questions
were brought home to my heart: "What will
"become of you at last and in what manner
"will your studies terminate? You can't stay
"always at the university. If you become
"a minister in your native country what
"benefit will it be of to you on others;
for if you go without being sent by me, you
"will be an unprofitable servant, and it
"may terminate with you as with other awa-
"kened students who did not prosper." It
"you will save your soul take refuge to
"the brethrens congregation" &c. These and 

others considerations came with such clearness
into my heart as if our Saviour was pre-
sent and speaking to me, and I was en-
abled to acquiesce and say amen to all,
with my whole heart. Now I knew
what I was about, heard and saw every
thing in another light, and my eye being
single? the whole body was light, so that 
I could not help wondering at the change
wrought in me. I moved with the consent
of John Nitchman in the month of July
into the ^house of of the young count, and which was 
exceedingly happy in the company of the 
brethren. John Nitchman was betrued
and respected as a father among us, and 
cared for the good of our souls with
much love and faithfulness. Our main
view was to become like little children, and 
such a spirit of love and zeal prevailed
among us, that we sat many a night

