
Transcribe page 11

in John Willey

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his suffering, in his deep humiliation
in the garden, died on the cross. He
knows that nothing else can comfort
me in the midst of my pain, and
thus he structures my cup and makes
me resigned and cheerful. I have
passed through years of trial and
suffering, I have come through great
tribulation, yet I do not wish it
had been less; I am sure my Savior
has proportioned this chastisement
to the necessities I neglected to bring
me wholly to himself, that I might
see the exceeding sinfulness of sin,
be completely weaned from this present
evil world, and live solely to his praise
and glory. Blessed be his name, he
has in a great measure effected his
gracious purpose, and my joy no man 
can take from me." In another place 
he says: "The blessings I have enjoyed,
especially during the latter part of my
sufferings, have been so rich and great,
that I have most sincerely thanked our
precious Savior Jesus, for visiting

