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in John Willey

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he entered as a teacher with Mirfield

school.  The next year he went to Fulnec,

to take charge of the Day school there,

but was soon again (Sept 1808) recalled

to Mirfield.  The 5 years spent in the

school there, he remembered with

much pleasure; he entertained great

affection for his pupils, and not a few

of his old schools have shown that they

recall his memory with pleasure.  He

spoke after of his agreeable and brotherly

intercourse with Br. Pohlman, there

Minister and Director of the school

at Misfield.  His spare time was spend

in visiting the sick in the neighbor-

hood, and in cultivating that science

which always retained such attractions

for him, and in which he certainly dis-

played mean talent.  The corespond-

ence afterwards maintained with his

relative, Sir W. Hamilton on astronomical

subjects, was a source of great delight

to him; and the laborious and neatly

expected tables and calculations

which he has left behind him, show his
