
Transcribe page 04

in Harriett Lees

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never be able to do much for her baby, her
husband and her little boy of whom she was
doatingly fond. She seemed according to all
appearances, to be gradually improving in strength,
during Saturday and Sunday tho' exceedingly weak,
and she enjoyed the company of her friends very
much, especially on Sunday-- On Sunday morning,
when the texts of the day read to her, she was 
much cheered and struck with the Doctrinal text,
from Cor: 9 ch: 26, " I therefore so pure, not as uncertainly,
so fight I, not as one that beateth the air".  "Help us
to obtain the prize, "Help us well to close our race"
On Monday morning, after a good night's rest, 
she took leave of her sister, who was obliged to 
return home, in the most cheerful manner,
and her cheerfulness throughout that day was
most remarkable, -- but who can understand 
the mysterious ways of the Almighty. - 
      After taking her tea, setting up in her bed, 
which she had enjoyed very much, she fell
back on her pillow, apparently in a fainting
fit, - as long as she had strength, she gave
directions as to the remedies to be applied,
but these, and the medicines given by the
