
Transcribe page 34

in Leonora Knapp

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Seek only to please him, nor think of tomorrow,
And every [?] he will kindly remove.
This faith in my Saviour I never will barter,
For the pleasures or riches this world can bestow,
Ah! sooner than lose it, I'd fain be a [illegible] martyr
And gain life eternal by dying below.
The world's transient pleasures I no longer
                                                      can follow,
They offer no peace to my body or soul,
The joys I once prized, I now see are all hollow,
There's an asp [?] the flowers - There is
                                   death in the bowl.
After residing in Bristol for some years,
during which she had to struggle against
many adverse waves of affliction and
poverty - yet manifesting a firm   and
unshaken confidence in her heavenly
Father; she removed at the call of duty
to Bath in the beginning of 1824 to admin-
ister to the comforts of a very aged relative.
Here situation here was attended with
severe trials of her faith and patience;
but under these, as she wrote to a friend
at the time, she felt the gracious support
of the Lord to whom she looked for wisdom
