
Transcribe page 24

in Leonora Knapp

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Moravian Church, and which is so evidently
the spirit of Christ. It is the perfume
of perfect hearts obedience, stealing into every
bosom; and when this savour is weakened,
then may we be sure the heart is rebellious.
I appeal to my own heart. I appeal to every
other heart if this is not the case real truth.
I had for two years resided at Bristol,
and had fixed on this place, because I
could hear the same preacher whom I
had listened to in London. By this I do
not mean to infer that I did not receive
benefit from any other. On the contrary I
have been benefitted  benefited by every moravian
preacher I have heard; for it is the doctrine
and the people that I seek not the preacher
that I seek. But unquestionably I have
found his mode of preaching best suited
to my peculiar turn of mind in general.
My confidence to him led me to open my
heart and show all its corruptness and I often
seek advice from him as I could not have
done from any other. And it was our
Saviour's will that in this brother, I met
with such an obstinate rectitude such an unshaken
determination to sift and prove me, such
