
Transcribe page 21

in Leonora Knapp

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witness of faith - but only through a glass
darkly - not that firm internal witness
I afterwards enjoyed. God's spirit still
followed me, and I panted for more
light. One evening shortly after this
while engaged in reading and deep
meditation, a stronger faith came over me and with
it a deeper conviction of my exceeding
sinfulness. All my misdeeds rose before
my eyes, and I clearly saw that I
was leading an unholy life. Such deep
contrition seized me, that I threw
myself prostrate on the ground,
abhorring myself and quite unable
to look up to our Saviour. Anguish
filled my mind, and I could only
weep and groan - I seemed as if I
wanted to escape from my own heart.
Resolving to change my whole course
of life, at last I ventured to look to
Jesus, intreating his forgiveness, and
his help to avoid future sin. Those
darling sins I had loved in the morning,
