
Transcribe page 20

in Leonora Knapp

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the children and be instructed, and was
ashamed when their simple and ready
answers showed me my own exceeding
ignorance. About this time, I had been
one night very low, when the same
friend who took me to the chapel called,
and I asked him to pray with me. On
going to bed my distress of mind was
very great, - I wept and prayed ear-
nestly for light - trembling with fear
between the dread of committing idolatry
in praying to Jesus, and the fear of sin
in rejecting him if he were indeed God-
I never knew till this memorable night
what the "spirit of prayer" meant. I
now prayed soul and body. It seemed
to me as if my very flesh prayed. I passed
the night in this state, and at last
ventured to entreat Jesus to reveal
himself to me if indeed he were God.
My prayer was heard. I did see him
as the only God - but it was not the
