
Transcribe page 18

in Leonora Knapp

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Still I could not possibly receive the
doctrine of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
This person was a moravian, and I had
at last an opportunity of going to their
chapel. Never shall I forget the feelings
that came over my heart, for though I
went with prejudice and dislike on
my mind, these all did away on my
entering the chapel. They were in the
midst of the litany, and I was struck
with the peace look of peace that pervaded
every countenance, and the simple
and unaffected piety so different
from any thing I had ever seen before.
Having no book I could not understand
the service; and the preachers man-
ner and matter were unintelligible
to me. Nevertheless my heart was
melted, and I wept profusely. I
longed to stay, for I felt as if I had
found my home rest, and I said:
"If ever I do become a christian believer,
