
Transcribe page 02

in Leonora Knapp

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I do indeed at all terms rejoice to speak
of the exceeding love I have experienced from
our Saviour; but in order to do it now I have
impressed upon myself a task which covers
me with shame. I am going to give a
breif  brief account of my life, and of the gra-
cious leading of a sinner from paths of
wretchedness to ways of eternal peace.
Here will indeed be seen, what human-
beings are by nature: while I trust
that my future life will show what
they may become through grace.
Dear Saviour, enable me to write
with faithfulness.
I was born at Henley in Bucking-
on the 15th September 1774.
My parents were of the established church,
and my Father was Rector of the parish
where I was born.I was the youngest
of six children. My family were of con-
siderable consequence in the county,
and we were all educated with much
aristocratic pride. My father was
