
Transcribe page 01

in Leonora Knapp

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                                 [?] P. Libbey
of the Sle. Sr. Leonora Knapp who
departed at Bath November 14th. 1851 -
In the 78 year of her age.

She writes as follows:
It appears to me to be the duty of every
one who has in any striking manner ex-
perienced the great love and mercy of
our dear Saviour, to proclaim his good-
-ness aloud, and tell what the Lord has
done for his salvation. I have said a
"duty"; let me add - to the grateful heart
it will be a delight!
From my earliest cradle to the precent  present hour,
I have been led through strange paths -
I have drank of the cup of worldly plea-
sure, and the draught has turned to
bitterness. I have partaken of the cup
of human [?] misery, and found at
the bottom a drop, the sweetness of which
has converted the gall into honey. What
has made the cup of pleasure bitter?
Sin! What has made the cup of affliction
sweet? A crucified Saviour Redeemer!
