
Transcribe page 08

in Elizabeth Grundy

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in him a present help in time of need, which
is an inexhaustible fund, where we may take
grace for grace, and not look for it in any
of our own attainments.
Some time after I was appointed to begin
a school for girls in Dukenfield, which
gave me great confidence in our Savior,
considering it as an answer to my prayer;
for I was at times so full of unbelief, that
I thought myself beneath his notice. I opened
this school with eleven girls, children of some
of the Brethren church, and continued it fifteen
years. This was a happy period both for me
and the children, several of the latter after-
wards became members of the Congregation and
likewise some of their parents.
At length, not being able to procure a proper
place for my school, and having to give up the
hours I had hitherto occupied, I was, to my
great grief, obliged to drop it. In conse-
quence of various disagreeable occurrences,
it appeared as if the time for my conti-
nuing the school was over.
About this time my son, whom from his
birth I had entirely devoted to our Savior,
moved into the Brethen house in Dukenfield,
