
Transcribe page 02

in George Francke

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As I grew older, I took great delight in reading the
history of our Saviour's passion,
which for several years
together was my frequent practice and always melted and
[?] my heart.
In proper time I was put to a public
Latin-school, and I gradually lost these blessed im-
-pressions, which I had, and by the many temptations
and bad examples I was surrounded with, I was drawn
more and more into a life of Levity and Sin, so that
I was sometimes terrified at the thoughts of my
wretched condition.
In the year 1736 I went to the
University at Copenhagen, and being now more than
over my own Master and coming into very bad company
I became more and more a miserable Slave of sin
and for a whole year, I never went to Church from
principle, for I thought to pretend to piety, and to live
such a life as I did at the same time, would be vile hy-
-pocrisy and a mocking of God, which I would not
add to my other sins; however in March 1739 as I
sat one Sunday morning alone in my room, it came
suddenly into my mind to go once again to Church, which
I did, and standing in the midst of a crowd in the
body of the Church, I looked about a long while upon
the Company without attending to one word the Minister
said; I at last turned my Eyes to him, and heard him
just then speak of the tender love of Jesus to sinners,
