
Transcribe page 23

in Eleanor Francke

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sprinkle their hearts with thy
redeeming blood, & fill them with thy
love, let them feel that they are not
their own, but thy blood bought pro=
=perty, to live alone for thee in this
world be their highest aim; so that
we may be enabled to say, when favord
to surround thy throne: "Here are
we, and the children thou hast given
us". Grant most gracious Redeemer
& Saviour, these petitions, which flow
from a heart truly penetrated with
thy special love to me a poor sinner,
for it is thro' grace alone that I hope
to obtain mercy. Cleanse me from
every sin, & forgive, for the sake of
thy blood & death all my transgressions
& receive me into thy favour. _

Under date of September 6 1822
Gracehill; is the following which
she had written but left unfinished;
What shall I say to the faithfulness
of my adorable Redeemer & Saviour,
who hath led me with such un[????] pa=
tience, but fall at his feet & devote
soul & body unto him who hath an=
-swered my prayer, when in distress of
mind, I expected my dear partner would
be taken from me, & not be permitted
