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in Mary Oates

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the H. Comn but it was long before that favour was gran
me. A conversation previous to it with the late Br
Tranecker?, proved a great blessing to me, He asked if
I had felt a clearness that our Saviour had pardoned all
my sins, to which I answered as mentioned before, upon
he spoke very encouraging words to me, and said that
our Saviours ways were different with every poor sinners.
Decr 8th 1776 I had the favour to partake for tho first
time of the H Comn. In 1779 I removed with my Mother
Bankhouse, where I spent 3 years very comfortably, tho
I had many schol schools for my own heart. but our Savior
helped me and proved my faithful friend.
After the happy departure of my dear Mother whom
I nursed to my end, I want? to live at Hackmand? wyke
to care for my Br Children, where I staid until
June 28th 1783 when I came to the Srs house here.
I entered this house with my whole heart, according
to my wished for desire, and no trials whatsoever have
made me wish to leave it. My own temper and work
made it sometimes trying, but little uneasiness,
were soon settled again, and I can truly say that my
living in this house has proved a Blessing to me.
Where I have learned to know more of myself and of
our Saviours leading
Had I not thee of Lamb of God once bleeding
Were not thy blood for me a sinner pleading
Where should I poorest among all the needy
Find succour? ready--
