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in Eleanor Luty

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The life of the Single Sister Eleanor Luty.
I was born Sepr 20th 1718 at Killing Hall near
near, Harrowgale,? in the Parish of Ripley, and was 
brought up in the Church of England. My mother
kept a strict eye upon me wishing to preserve me from the
temptations of the world. When I was about 6 years
old, I used to read in the New Testament, and was 
always very inquisitive with my School ? what
could be the meaning of many things at that time beyond my capacity 
In my 16th year I was catchsed? examined by the Minister of our
Church in the doctrines of Christianity as a preparation for the holy Communion, preveirs?
to the enjoyment of it, and was confirmed by the Bishop
durring his visit in these parts. The above mentioned
Minister told me and several young people that our own 
hearts were our greatest enemies; this I could not compre-
hend ? at that time, tho' under concern for my Salvations
My Confirmation had a very blessed effect, increasing? my
anouty?, and making me more in earnest to seek the Lord.
I now resolved not to rest satisfied till I had found him,
and made my Calling and Election sune.?
A few hours before my Fathers departure, he I ms? for
all his Children 10 in number, to give each his farewell
