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also being attended with a Dropsical dis-
vase & a Complication of disorders Ren-
der'd her almost incapable of Business.
Her Reception lay very rear her Heart &
she often would sigh & weep after a nearer
fellowship with our dear Saviour & his Church
Thus she continued all Summer & as to
health Better & Worse
In th' month of Novr: 1792 the Obtain'd
the grace to be a Receiv'd into the Congn to her great joy
& satisfaction.
When we Enter'd in our Choir House
she Chearfully Came with us praising & adoring
the Lamb who had granted her that, she so
long had wish'd for: But she had not Long
Enjoy'd this happiness before her Joy was
in some Respect interrupted by the re
turn of her Disorder in a much greater
Do grce?? than before & in the beginning
of the Present year the Dropsey siezing
her whole Fabrnaile? & her Arm being.
quite useless by the Rhoumatism & c
she was not able to help herself there-
fore was Oblig'd to take her Room &
now it was she begun to think of going home
& speaking to a sister about it Said you
will See One of the Poorest & perhaps
Least thoughtof getting the Favour to go
out of this House First, & wish'd that she happy
hour might soon Come. 
She spoke of her Departure with a great
deal of Pleasure Rejoiceing me the full
assurance she felt? of the Love of our
Saviour & she Free forgiveness, of all her
sins in has Dear Blood
