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in Anna Rosina Anderson

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with <placename>the Lord</placename>; she seemed quite de-
lighted with it and kept awake the
whole time. The 19th in the afternoon
she appeared more collected than before
and could speak several words, and when
the girls came to see her, she gave them all
the hand and said: <persname>The Lord</persname> bless you.
Afterwards she slumbered again till
about evening, had a very restless night,
and the 20th in the morning about 7
o' clock her ? and through the blood
of <persname>Jesus</persname> sanctified soul went gently
and happy over into the arms of her 
beloved bridegroom, during the singing 
of that verse: When in the arms of 
Jesus, thy lips shall pallid grow.
Her age was  75 years and 6 months.
