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in Leonora Knapp

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<gap></gap>One Sunday, after having [illegible] 17
[illegible] profaned it by composing
songs for a play, I suddenly was seized
with a desire to go to church. I instantly
went out in search of one, and entered
just before the sermon was concluded.
Every word seemed to touch my heart, but
not in any other way than by strong emo-
tion; and though I knew not why, tears
flowed copiously from my eyes. But though
I went again several times, I never expe-
rienced the same feeling or felt much
satisfaction, for I heard nothing that I understood.
<gap></gap>Happening to go into a church to hear
the organ, with a person who was a serious
man, he made a remark, which induced
me to say: "I am not a christian", and
this produced a long and energetic address
to me on my blindness of heart and pride
of heart. I was exceedingly struck with
what was said, and this was the commence-
ment of serious <sic>refliction</sic>  <corr>reflection</corr> whether I was in
error or not. Subsequently I had several
conversations with him, and I began to
read the new Testament with attention.
