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<persname></persname>Her? followed the <date>22nd of March</date> our
dear <placename><persname>Sister Benigna Briant</persname></placename>.
She was born the <date>17th of December 1707</date> at <placename>Syneham in 
Wilshire</placename>. Her Parents has? been of the <orgname>Quaker Religion</orgname>
& She was brought up in the same Principles.
<date>Anno 1740 the 19th </date> february was She <sic>marryed </sic>to our <persname>Mr.? 
Briand?</persname> & they followed a religious Life according to 
her Principles, But as <persname>Mr.? lennick? </persname>in this bounty his
Preachings begun, She & her Husband went to hear him
but Both got such an Impression? the first that they offered
<persname>Mr.? lennick? </persname>their house for for a Preaching Place, that was
is not all but the offered every Body who cam eto hear him
to harbour free. They bought all last a House & provided
a Silence to preach therein.This deconomie? continued 
many years, without finding hereby any Relief? for their
own Heart. <persname>Mr.? lennick? </persname>was perfected? all round the 
Country, & by that means our <persname>Sister </persname>often herself
in Danger of her Life. To the fame? Time is? happened 
that a certain Man was so enraged about <persname>Mr.? lennicks? </persname>
Preachings from the Blood of the thrift?, that he made a
Plot with several wicked People that they would, <persname>Mr.? lennick? </persname>as his 
Auditory guide overstream with Blood of Open?.
But this Man  on a Sudden became mad & clear Blood
ran out of his nose & Mouth & this continued several 
weeks under extraordinary Pain, his terrible & furious 
Sooth? made, that nobody would venture to come near 
