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met at her Bed, as many as could conveniently be called
and kept a Singing hour with suitable Verses, fell upon
our knees and pr thankd our Savr for the grace he had
bestowd on her, recommended her to his thro pierced 
heart & begd that he might grant her her longing Desire
to be soon at home with him and rest in his dr Wounds
a very Sweet Feeling of our Savrs presence was attending this
last Liturgy, (of which every one is a witness that was pre-
sent.) From that time her Dissolution hasted on and
June 2d (4 days after when I and my wife came to see her
she was not able to speak much, but lay still, not much
mindull of any body, not inclined to converse, Sr Pyrlaus
stayd with her some hours & put her in mind of the ap-
proaching Sacramt had her last Conversation with her
Sr Hendrint? also calld & saw her and that same Evning)
before midnight her dr beloved Bridegroom gave her
the last unction & Kissd her Soul home to himself while
several of her Relations sung her some Verses. The
Text on that Day was:
On that day you will ask me Nothing
Tears from the Eyes will flow
the Senses will be closed
and think Lamb, Thou but Thou!
her Corpse had a smiling & agreeable Aspect & bespoke
the peace in wch she went.
(The 5th of June was the Day appointed for her Funeral, She
was carried by 8 of our Brn from her Dwelling house, after
the Verse. The Savrs Blood & Righteousness-- her finry was
her Wedding Dress-- to ye Stanary thro the midle of the
Town all the Spectators behaved with Respect & looked
at with Awe. A great many followd us to the Mee
ting place attended in great Stillness the Discourse Br
Pyrlaus kept to them from 2 Cor 5, 8. We are confi-
dent & willing rather to be absent from ye Body & to be
present with the Lord and after the Meetg she was
put into the House Litter, which had come from Lambhill
for that End, and brot up the New Read to Lambshill
where Br Latrobe after the funeral Discourse kept the Liturgy
for her & Jams Oates a youth in the Single Brn house also