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and merely which our Savr how always shown towards
me his poor one, for which I shall remain a debtor
to all eternity: the Joy she felt as the prospect of
soon seeing him on whom she had believ'd white here,
was visible evident in every conversation with her, and her
consistence in our Savr remain'd unshaken.
January 5th early in the morning, it was evident
that her time here wou'd not be long, upon which
she lass blessing of the Congn and her Choir was im-
parted to her during which she was quite sensible,
and herself had sisruly'd?? of that a Liturgyshould be legit
by her, which now attended with an awefull feeling
of the near presence of our Savr, and of what came to
pass in those moments, for, during the same, she fell
happily asleep in them, having spent hire before
48 years, 11 weeks wanting.