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struggle, and she often <trait>mingled her tears</trait> with those 
of her husband, while he was engaged in visit-
ing the boy on his sickbed. Sabbaths were
days of <trait>special delight</trait> to her; she <trait>loved</trait> the 
assembly of the <persname>Lords</persname> people, whither public 
or private, often prolonging the subjects that 
had been treated of in private conversation,
and expressing her <trait>gratitude</trait> for the abundant 
provision of <persname>God</persname>s house. Even when indispo-
sed in body, and gently urged to stay at home, 
she often said, in allusion to her approach-
ing confinement. No I will go to the <persname>Lord's</persname> house 
while I can you know I shall soon be deprived
of that privilege for a considerable time."
The event, which she thus alluded to, natural-
ly led her to frequent meditation and converse,
on the possibility of its terminating in her 
dissolution, and some months ago, she expres-
sed her conviction, that if the<persname> Lord </persname>should
see fit to make it the occasion of her change
coming, all would be well; she could meet 
her <persname>Saviour </persname>with<trait> joy</trait> as a <trait>pardoned sinner</trait>,
who had nothing to boast, but whose trust was
in his <trait>atonement and righteousness</trait>. Such an 