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"is to prepare for a better city. What if things
"do not always answer our expectations, are we 
"on that account to despond? certainly not! For
"<persname>God</persname> in mercy sends afflictions to teach us this
"is not our home. If he were not to do so, we
"might grow hardened and secure in our sins,
"until they plunged us into endless woe! --
"Oh! that I could walk as though each day
"were to be my last. The crosses and vexations
"which occur here, are but for a short time,
"the joys and happiness of heaven are for a never
"ending eternity: why then should do I allow
"such things to affect me so much? This is 
"indeed sinful, but human nature is in
"itself unable to overcome the assails of its
"mighty opponents; the spirit may indeed be
"willing to do what is right, but the flesh
"is weak. But Oh! dearest <persname>Saviour</persname>, I would
"be wholly thine; take thou possession of my 
"heart, and whatever would obstruct any of thy
"blessed views with me, root it out, although it
"cause me pain." -- How consoling is it to see
"our dear departed relative, though in the full
"enjoyment of health and youth, thus manefes-
"ting one great characterestic of God's dear child
"ren, who consider their latter end, and who re-
"member in the prime of life and in the bright-
"est of their mortal days, their latter and that