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cheerful, yet somewhat timid reserved <sic>dispo-
-sition</sic>. -- In the beginning of 37 I received
with several others of my companions,
instruction for confirmation, or rather
in my case for Adult baptism, my
dear Mother being a <orgname>baptist</orgname> I had 
consequently not received that sacrament
in infancy; but I cannot say that
either the instructions or the rite
itself made any lasting impressions
upon my mind; I enjoyed the instruc-
--tions, as I did, imbibing knowledge
of any kind that came in my reach. --
Unaware almost to myself, I formed
my own views on religon the way of
Salvation, and as might be expected
stumbled upon many errors. At one time
I was seeking the fruits of the Spirit <add>instead of simply going to Jesus</add>, and
at another I was fully impressed with the
idea, that tho' I was very very far from
what I ought to be as a <sic>christian</sic>, yet I
must wait the Lord's time to make
me different, I could do nothing. At this

[page break]

time "<sic>Baxters Saints Rest</sic>" fell into my
hands, which by the blessing of the Lord
made a very deep impression on my mind
and showed me that there was much for
me to do, viz an earnestness of spirit, and
a determination to give the Lord no rest
till he was graciously pleased to reveal
himself to me. --From this time I was much
more in earnest, but my adorable Saviour
was not my all in all; consequently the
way seemed long and <add>heavy</add>. <add>I</add> often felt inclined
to exclaim "who is sufficent for these things!
In the <date>year 50</date> I received a call to be the
Warden of the Single Sisters in Fulneck, 
and tho' deeply conscious of my own insuffi-
--ciency for such a post, I felt such a strong
conviction that it was from the Lord

I dared do no other than accept it. In the
first year I had many trials and difficulties
caused in a great measure by my own
inexperience, but afterwards my work was
very pleasant, and light to me. -- The second

Year after I came to Fulneck, the texts for