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the grace and favour of being receiv'd into the Sing. Sist.
Choir, which has prov'd a real blessing to me, the reception
meeting in particular, Br Latrobe sung that verse, Where
agonizing Blood - the reeking earth did cover - there
each unlamblike though - should be interr'd forever.
after these words he kneel'd down, and pray'd very affen-
-ingly that every thing displeasing to our Sav. might be
renew'd before we enter'd into a new Choir, when he rose
up from prayer he sing, Hereforth they'll move no where
this made such an impression upon me, that I wish'd with
my whole heart that this might be my case. As this
time a new school began to take place in my heart, and
those thigns which before seem'd not of much consequence
to me, now appear'd my mind to anyone, I shou'd not have
the favour to stay any longer in the House, and pray'd
our Sav. earnestly to help me withous opening my mind
and Sist. in the Room, seeing the distress I was in spoke
to me in a tender manner, and gave me to understand
that She had expereinced the same, and advis'd me to speak
my mind to my Labouress, but being of a very close time, 
I still cou'd not do it, one day when I cou'd hear it no
longer, I went alone, and there pray'd our Sav. to help me
I open'd that verse, Love any ill distress my heart - Since
Gott with his own Son did part - Master Sevant can't be
deny'd - Because for me the Saviour dyd. Then I saw
clearly that no ill need distrress me, for by my Saviours
Birth and Sufferings He had purchas'd all thing for
me, and wou'd not deny me any thing, now I cou'd speak
openheartedly to my Labouress about every thing. Aug
13th the same Year I now made a candidate for the 
Hole Communion during the Sacrament, the pouring out 
of the wine and singing that verse Schon in this Hart 
with havte - that they church met it render and I 
felt in my heart as if it eally was so afterwards
I waited with ardent longing for the time to come when
I shou'd enjoy it, which ___ was granted me the 
4th of May following, but I did not feel so well as I 
cou'd have with'd being very timerous, and wanting
to enjoy something so very extraordinary, not expect-
-ing that at such a time one bad thought shou'd arise after
another, but I found by experience that they were some
times more rise then, then at any other time, but our
Sav. gave me to feel that there was no occasion for me
to be a shame to him of any kind, as in Him there was
full santification. Om the Year 1767 it pleas'd our
sav to take my dear Parents home to himself, also my 
Br. and St. in a few weeks who left 3 Children Orphans
the were in the greatest distress how they shou'd be 
cared for, but our Sav. according to his prmise has
cared for them all, but taking the youngest to himself
and the other two are now in Gomerhal Oeconomy
In the Year 1763 when the Unitys Elders Conference
was here, I serv'd in the kitchen during their supper