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melted my heart in thousand tears. In 1740
I was after the then usual manner received into the
Childrens Congn which proved a great bles
sing to me, I devoted my heart to our Savior
to live to him & serve him; however after
wards, I must own, I had many things to
experience by which I learnt better to know
myself but our Savior was faithful and
helped me thro', I always felt freedom to
speak my mind openhartedly to my Labouress
which was a great help to me. In the year
1741 I was received into the great girls Choir
and in the same year I enjoyed the holy
Comn for the first time, which was
an unspeakable blessing to my heart. At 
that time there was a company of great
girls which the late Count took par-
ticular care of, he kept us Choirmeetings
and instructed us how to become useful
in our Saviors service. I was appoin-
ted to keep the Childrens & great girls
bands, and enjoyed many blessings from
our Savior, when we spoke together of
his great love & mercy. Soon after
I had the office of an assistant among
the Children conferred upon me and
moved in the same year with this Oeco-
nomy to Herrnhag.  All these appoint-
ments taught me to come into closer
connection with our Savior and showed 
me that I could do nothing of myself.
His mercy and love shown to me bowed
me in the dust before him. I had the
confidence to cleave to him as a poor
sinner, & believed he would help me
thro'.  1743 I was accepted an Acoluth
with a large company, which encou-
rag'd me anew to live to him and
serve him as a poor Child that has
nothing to plead but his mercy from
day to day. 1744 I was receiv'd
into the S. Srs Choir and 1747 
blessed for a Deaconess.  1748 I received
a Call to be S. Srs Labores at Beth-
lehem in America.  In London Febr.
the 10th I was bless for my office &
set out in June.  Sept the 20th I
arrived in Bethlehem after a trouble-
some voyage.  I cannot but take no-
tice, that this year the 13th of Nov.
was celebrated the first time in