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who pittied me in my distress; after
sometime I went into service, from
one place to another, I found it very
hard and met with many troubles; having
no body to tell my concern to, nor
to care for me, I prayed to the
Lord to help me, about this time
I became aquanited with the Sisters
Elizabeth and Sarah Holdsworth, and went
to live with them; they often spoke
to me about our Saviour, and I felt their 
concern and good wishes for me, but ^had no
inclination to attend to it. I spent
several years, in a very uneasy situation
of mind, during this time I heart 
Mr Eastwood preach on that text
of the ten Virgins, which had a par- 
ticular effect upon my heart, for it 
was clear to me I was in the Class
of the foolish virgins, I wept before
our Saviour and prayed him to have mercy
upon me, and to forgive me all my
sins, I felt on this occation some, 
thing which I can not express,

Our Saviour showed me his loving and 
forgiving heart, and I felt that he
had suffered, bled and died for me.
Being of an unsteady turn of mind I
soon came into things again which was
contrary to our Saviours will, an which
account I spent many heavy hours
but he always approved himself 
as my best friend, and took notice
of me the poorest among the needy.
I felt now in our Being now undetermined state
whether to make application to belong
to the Brns Congn or to be a follower
of Mr Eastwood, I prayed to our Saviour 
to make it clear to me, which way to 
turn, and he convinced me the Brethren
where the people to whom I should
belong. Upon this I made application 
and obtained leave to come and
live in the Sisters House at Gumersal,
this favour was granted to me Oct
10th 1760. for which I often thank
our Saviour with my whole heart"
Thus far her own Account."