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would sacrifice duty to
pleasure. Every inmate
of the house must ---
---- f-- that when it
unexpectedly called to part
with her, she had left/both?
a true and valued
friend. But while we
truly <add>deeply </add>mourn her loss
we cannot but say our
loss is her Eternal gain
She knew in whom she
believed, and when the
summons came for her
to lay by her earthly duties
she was enabled to say
Thy will be done and
we doubt not would hear
the welcome Message
Well done

[page break]

of my acceptance in the Beloved.
And though God has not at all
times been in my thoughts, yet
my beloved Saviour has never
suffered my feet to slide. <gap></gap>
O thou who has begun a good work
in me do thou perfect it unto the
end. O do thou empty me of myself,
& fill me with thyself -- be thou
my all in all. <gap></gap>
<date>1857</date> I again devote myself, body
soul & spirit unto thee dear Saviour,
but Oh do thou keep me, thou
knowest how weak & frail I am,
how prone to stray from thee
& how contrary I continually act
to thy mind

good & faithful servant, enter
thou into the joy of thy Lord!"
As a fellow laborer & member of our
Elders' Conference, our dear St [Sister] Fletcher
was much esteemed by us all, for
the candour of her mind, & her

strictly conscientious discharge of
her official duties. She would ever
openly & clearly state her views on
any subject she was interested in,
& in case of a difference of opinion
firmly & faithfully maintain her
cause, without however in the least
being self opinionated or obstinate.
Her warm interest in the Lords work
& the spread of His kingdom, both
at home & abroad, she quietly,
yet continuously manifested, not
only unto the Searcher of hearts, who
delights to hear the prayers of his
people, when they plead with him
for the furtherance of his gospel, but
also unto man, by the lively & intelligent
interest she always displayed in
conversations on the subject of
missionary labours, & by her untiring
& successful endeavours, to collect
subscriptions for such objects, as the
Foreign & Home Missions, the Bible
Society & so forth. The local committees
of these associations, will miss in her
a valued member, & a successful