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such a strong conviction that it\
was from the Lord, that I dared
do no other than accept it. <gap></gap>
In the first year I had many trials
and difficulties, caused in a great
measure by my own inexperience,
but afterwards my work was very
pleasant & light to me. <gap></gap>
The 2nd year after I came to <placename>Fulneck</placename>,
the texts for my birthday struck me
very much, on looking at them some
time before. The daily word was:
"In the Lord shall all the seed of
Israel be justified & shall glory." Is. 45.25
& the doctrinal text was, the second of Acts
& the latter part of the 47th verse: "And the
Lord added to the Church daily such as
should be saved." I felt to hope, that
these texts had a reference
to some, that
were very near & dear to me, who were
not added to any Church Christian
church, & over whom my heart had
often yearned. I never thought of
them in <sic>connexion</sic> with myself,
I thought I was added to the Church,
& of the real meaning  of the daily word
I had at that time very little knowledge.
O! how possible it is <sic>it is</sic> to deceive ourselves
& others!.<gap></gap> On the morning of my birthday

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I found three verses on my table
which had been drawn and placed there
by a very dear and worthy sister, as was
her custom, the three were very striking, but
the text of one was loves "Lovest thou me"

to it which was added the verse
Lovest thou me I hear the Saviour say,
Would that my heart had power to 
answer yea:
Thou knowest all things, Lord in heaven above
And earth beneath, thou knowest that I love
But tis not so in word, in deed, in thought
I do not cannot love thee as I ought,
Thy love must give that power, thy love alone
On reading the last line with clasped hands I exclaimed, oh
my beloved Saviour that is the very thing
why didst thou not show me that before. --it is
indeed thy love that must give me power
to love thee in return, there is indeed "nothing
worthy of thee but thine own Oh do thou
grant that "with the love wherewith thou
lovest me
Reflected on thyself I would may love thee --
My dear Saviour, had that instead drawn
me to himself -- but when he put his holy
spirit into my heart, oh the sink of iniquity
I saw there "sin did indeed revive and
I died" Born--7th ch = 9th verse - so heavy was the