
From Moravian Lives
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"but it will not be long-- soon we shall be united 
"again, never, never, to be parted.  you must finish 
"your work; & then you will come after me, & we shall 
" be united forever. I know you will care for our dear
<persname>"child</persname>, I am quite easy about it."__ At this time the 
<persname>Doctor</persname> who was greatly interested about her, entered
the room, when she eagerly addressed him: "How 
"long shall I live <persname>Doctor</persname>? He seemed much affected,
& replied: "My dear Mrs. <persname>Lattrobe, </persname>I am sorry to say 
"you cannot be long."   "Sorry! she said, sorry--- do not 
say sorry. I am glad. Will it be two hours?" He 
answered that it could not be much longer, & that 
he was happy to see her so resigned: when she
explained: "<trait>Let me die the death of the righ-
teous, & let my last end be like his
</trait>! " here mom-
ents were now spent in sacred prayer, & in com-
forting the <persname>survivors</persname>, but in a short time the 
struggle of death became hard, though they
were not severe, & she said "it is a hard work to
die"---& several times, asked, "will it be long?"
she was told it probably would not, but that the 
<persname>Lord</persname> would give her strength equal to her day.
This seemed to satisfy her, foron being asked, 
whether a prayer should be made for her release 
she said: "No! no! the Lords time is best, I can 
wait patiently for that"--- 'Yes' said she- though
I walk through the <placename>valley of the shadow of death,</placename> I fear