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intrusted to her care, lead us to remark, that her treat
ment of them was quite conformable to the sentim-
ents thus expressed. Not unfrequently did she employ
their spare time, especially on the Sabbath in sing-
ing with them such Hymns, or Sacred musical pieces
as they themselves selected. this was done in an 
easy, free, and agreable manner; so that it pleased and 
edified at the same time; and she had the happiness
to know from one of the letters of her pupils, that 
her endeavours thus profitably to impress the tender 
mind with the duties and truths of religion, were not
in vain.
<date>June 3rd</date> She writes probably in reference to her
approaching birthday: "Surely goodness and mercy will
"follow me all the days of my life. O that I may but
"prove faithful to my high and heavenly calling. But oh!
"how slow in performing what I know to be right, and
"how prone to do that which is evil. 'Well might the
Prophet exclaim, "the heart is deceitful above all
"things and desperately wicked." Search me O <persname>God</persname>, and 
"know my heart, try me and know each thought.
"But in thy judgement, remember mercy, and let the
"atoning blood of <persname>Jesus Christ</persname> plead and prevail in
"my behalf. I indeed long to be more closely
"united unto thee. O for more faith, love, hope and
"charity to take possession of my sinful, but I feel 
"devoted heart. I am weak, but my <persname>heavenly Father</persname>
"is wise and all powerful." -- <date>Feb. 1, 1829</date>
"By his strength he had power with <persname>God</persname>; yea he had