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<date>December</date>, and arrived at their post the <date>last day
of the year</date> . From the moment of her arri-
val at <placename>Ayr</placename>, she entered upon her work 
with <trait>zeal and earnestness</trait>, and yet <add><corr>under</corr></add> a deep 
sense of her<trait> unworthiness</trait> to be employed 
as a handmaid of the <persname>Lord</persname>. By her chris-
tian <trait>cheerfullness</trait> and <trait>lively confidence</trait> in
<persname>God</persname>, and implicit trust in his kind lead- 
ings, she was a help to her husband in
his official duties, especially when those 
duties led over thorny paths: her <trait>love of
spiritual converse</trait> and <trait>family devotion</trait> too,
and her interest in the welfare of the <orgname>Congre-
gation,</orgname> were calculated to increase that love
to the <persname>Saviour</persname> and his people which not only 
sweetens the cup of life, but is essential to 
the usefulness of the <persname>Lords</persname> servants. She
loved to see and welcome those Bretheren and Sisters
and <persname>friends</persname>, who called from time to time, to 
be <trait>r</trait><trait>efreshed and animated</trait> in their christian 
course. All were received with <trait>affability.</trait> 
And to some. especially of the <persname>aged sisters</persname>