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That I say was comin upon me, Soon
after this <persname>Mr Horn</persname> which was the labourer at
<placename>Wilshear</placename> came & Preached twice in <persname>Cennick</persname>
school, and I<trait> felt my Heart united to Him</trait>
& told him the many disputes that had been a-
mongst us, And our <persname>Saviour</persname> blessed our conversation
that it was as though a Burden had been
taken from me, or as a prisoner set
free Especially when he told me as I
might look upon my self as under their
care & that our saviour had made it out
that they should come once a month & 
labour amongst us, this was agreeable
news to me, & to many of those that did
meet along with me, But in a few weeks 
Them that had left us disputed about 
<persname>Cennciks</persname> right to the school because 
He was gone to the Brethren & took it away
by violence without Brother <persname>Cennicks</persname> knowing
any thing about i , Then after that was
taken away from us we removed to Brethren
<persname>Cennicks</persname> own house where his sister then 
lived, & though our company was but small
yet we had many pretty opertunities to the
satisfaction of many Heart, But the Enemy 
not willing to leave no stone unturned soon