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The following memorandum at the

close of <date>1832</date>,will share the spirit in

which he labored:”When at the close

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of this year, I take a view of my poor,

imperfect services in the vineyard of

our Lord, I see much cause for the

deepest humiliation, on account of my

innurmerable transgressions,failings,

And short-comings, and  fervently pray

my merciful Saviour and gracious

Lord and  Master, to forgive me in all

things  where in I have been to blame;

whether it be in the omission of  my

duty, or in the  performance of it in a

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wrong spirit, by heartening at times

to the secret whisper of approbation in

My unhallowed breast, and forgetting

to give all the honor and glory to the Lord.

    It is by his gracious assistance, I

have been enabled to testify to my

fellow-sinners, the richness of his

Grace; whereas, if he had left me

To myself, I should have sunk into

shame and confusion .O that self

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