
From Moravian Lives
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distinctly after this, but her (word?) were seen 
to move, & sometimes such whispers were
heard: "Dear Saviour-- Amen--Amen!--"
- About 3 O'clock  in the afternoon,a (word?)
seemed to seire her for a moment, & her counter 
once betokened (word?), but when it (word?) a (word?)
tiful? smile spread over her face, & her eye be 
came fixed. She leaned her head on sister 
Borlands shoulder, & still retained the hand 
of her husband in affectionate recognition.
Thees? in solenn stillness, her harting breath 
was watehed , & gently and insensibly did
she die away, & her happy redeemed? spirit 
went over into the arms? of her saviour & her 
God! Her pilgrimage had lasted 28 years & 
(word?) monthers-- Her memory is sacred & blessed 
whom earth, her record is on high!
                                 She's now at next- In endlesly (word?)-
                                  Beholding Chist our Saviour:--
                                  Our humble  ephictations in 
                                  To  (word?) her there forever