
From Moravian Lives
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(word?) (word?) of love. Under the (word?)
that she was near her end, she then said: "the 
conflict in nearly over--- bring the baby!" ---- being 
the baby!"---   The dear little infant was brought in
and all un  conscious of the coming (word?), (word?)
to her dying mother. She (word?) it eagerly, and 
gently ribbles its little arm with hand, as
it lay (word?) its breast, doubtlely (word?) for 
it, in silent fervour, the everlasting mercies
of her Saviour. After the baby was ?moved,
she had some sharp string gles: but about a
quarter  of an hour before the end , she looked up? again 
with great animation in her conntenance, & exclaimed?

Praise! Praise!& she gave out the liner:
O may over imperfect song & praises -
"Be well (word?)(word?) thee, Lord Jesus;---
"Say my peace I leave with you,---
"Amen, amen, be it so!"--- A short struggle 
ensured, after  which looking (word?) with great 
(word?) she addressed the company in these 
(word?) words: Their is an hour that amount?
"(word?) to you all!"----     She did not speak very