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" power? over the Angel? and pr?; he wept and made
"supplication? unto him.
 God desires that we should
"look up to hum for enabling grace under every diffi-
"culty and temptation. Through his grace alone can 
"we poor sinners? overcome the mares? of our great
"adversary?. The Christian has many assurances,
"that whatever is permitted is intended for his good;
"according to his day so shall his strength be, if he 
"but bow? with holy resignation? to the despersation;
"of his Almighty father. 'Be glad in the Lord
"and rejoice then, ye righteous and shout for joy all
"ye that are upright in heart." 
What can be a
"more suitable employment for the Christian, than
"to rejoice in the Lord? who ha? cause ^ to rejoice if he have 
"not? -- Oh! that all could be persuaded to turn
"from their evil ways and live a life of faith. O Heaven
"ly Father, I beseech thee, increase my faith; for
"Jesus sake pardon all my past transgressions; --
"enable me to live more in the element of shy? love;
"put far from me every unholy inclination and desire.
"Calm O Lord every storm that would arise in 
"my breast, -- bring down every high imaginati-
"on, and let me be determined to follow thee? and thee
"only, cost what it may. Thou are indeed my
"hearts delight. Send now thy Holy Spirit upon
"me, and enable me through this year, to walk