
From Moravian Lives
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that they are but sojourners and pilgrims on the earth, 
that they are to be looking continually? preparing
continentally? for the city that hath foundation, whose
maker and builder is God.-- She continues:
"Till? my life shall end, do thou oh Lord, condescend
"to be my councellor? and friend: On my heart let thy
"precepts? be inscribed,
and let thy great example be
"my constant? endeavour to* irritate; so that I may

"not in any way, be a hindrance to any of the Lambs?
"of thy flock, by inconsistent conduct. Give me
"grace and wisdom, so to act and to speak with the children
"and young people with whom I live, that they may
"be constrained to? indeed to think, the mother? of religion
"are ways of pleasantly? and peace. Keep them from 
"the many temptations they will meet with in the
"world, and may some good seed be sown while they are
"here in each hearth, though it may not produce
"fruit at once. Yea let us all live in the enjoy-
"ment of that peace, which a stranger entermedth?
"not with; and which thou alone earth? inpart?. Let us
"live unto thy praise and glory, and hereafter meet in
"that place, Where saints enraptured* view their
"Saviour's face, -- And share the glories of this bound-
"fuls? grace; --That happy land, where seraphs? tune
"the lyre-- And Adams? sons? unite and swell the choir
These beautiful petitions? in behalf of the little ones